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Karikatr Dnyasna, Trk ve Dnya Karikatrclerine Duyuru

28.02.2007 tarihinde Bursa merkezli olarak kurulan Anadolu Karikatrcler Dernei, 21.12.2024 tarihinde gerekletirilen 7. Olaan Genel Kurul Toplantsnda, kurula katlan tm yelerin oy birlii ile alnan karar neticesinde almalarna son vermitir.

Dernein tm resmi prosedrleri yerine getirilmi, banka ve PTT hesaplar kapatlmtr. Dernek kasasnda bulunan 2.175 TL 10 kuru, Lsemili ocuklar Vakf (LSEV)e balanarak devredilmitir.

Bu vesileyle;

* Derneimize gemiten bugne kadar gnlllk esasna dayal olarak hizmet eden tm ynetim kurulu yelerine ve yelere,

* Derneimize destek salayan, ortak projeler gerekletirdiimiz tm irketlere, derneklere, kamu kurum ve kurulularna, alanlarna,

* Karikatr sanatna gnl veren ve katkda bulunan tm karikatrclere ve karikatr severlere,

sonsuz teekkrlerimizi sunarz.

Anadolu Karikatrcler Derneinin sona ermesi ile birlikte, dernek adna herhangi bir kii veya kuruluun ilem yapma yetkisinin bulunmadn ve byle bir durumda eski ynetim kurulu veya baka kiilerin sorumluluk tamayacan kamuoyuna nemle duyururuz.

Karikatr sanat adna yrtlen dayanma ruhunun farkl alanlarda devam edeceine gnlden inanyoruz.

Kamuoyuna saygyla duyurulur.
Anadolu Karikatrcler Dernei
Ynetim Kurulu


Announcement to the Cartoon World, Turkish and International Cartoonists

Founded on February 28, 2007, and based in Bursa, the Anatolian Cartoonists Association has officially ceased its operations following the unanimous decision made during the 7th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held on December 21, 2024.

All official procedures regarding the closure of the association have been completed. The association's bank and postal accounts have been closed. The remaining balance of 2,175 Turkish Lira and 10 kuru in the association's treasury has been donated to the Leukemia Foundation for Children (LSEV).

On this occasion, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to:

* All members of the Board of Directors and members who have voluntarily served the association from its inception to its closure,

* All companies, associations, public institutions, organizations, and their employees who supported and collaborated with the association,

* All cartoonists and cartoon enthusiasts who contributed to and supported the art of cartooning.

We hereby announce that following the dissolution of the Anatolian Cartoonists Association, no individual or entity is authorized to carry out any transactions on behalf of the association. In such cases, neither the former Board of Directors nor any other individuals shall bear any responsibility.

We firmly believe that the spirit of solidarity carried out in the name of the art of cartooning will continue in other fields.

Respectfully announced to the public.
Anatolian Cartoonists Association
Board of Directors

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